Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants

Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants

I am really excited to be sharing this recipe with you today. Prepare to have your socks knocked off!  Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants.  WOWSA!

Its an idea I have had rolling around in this brain of mine for a few weeks now.  Buttery croissants filled with a spicy Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter, rolled in butter and cookie crumb cinnamon sugar,  baked until golden brown, and then drizzled with a simple drizzle icing and dusted with a few more cookie crumbs.

In case you are not familiar with Swedish Pepparkakor Cookies, they usually come in a tin like this. I believe you can buy them in Ikea year round, but I picked up mine in Costco prior to Christmas. If I am not mistaken they sell the there pretty much year round as well. 

We love them. They are thin and crisp and spicy. I could easily eat a whole handful and in all truth it takes all of my willpower not to just sit down and gorge myself on them.  We had some leftover from Christmas (only because I had them stored out of reach) and I had in mind to make a cookie butter with them. I had seen a recipe on Serious Eats for Lotus cookie butter, and I decided that it would also work well for these.  I was right.

I also had a quantity of stale all butter croissants that needed using.  To be truthful, you want stale croissants for these.  They hold up better to the filling and crisp up just perfectly in the oven!

I cut the recipe in half, just so you know  . . .

I filled the stale croissants with some of the cookie butter, then brushed the with melted butter, generously of course and why not. In for a penny in for a pound.

I then sprinkled the with a cinnamon sugar cookie crumb mixture prior to baking them in the oven until the cookie butter had melted into the flaky insides of the croissants and they were crisp and golden on the outsides.   I then drizzled a sweet icing drizzle over top and sprinkled on a few more crumbs.

The crumbs were really easy to make in my mini blender.  You want them to be quite fine.  They get mixed with some water and golden syrup until the cookies melt and  become smooth.  You let it cool then and then blitz it together with some coconut oil until smooth.

You don't want the coconut oil to be rock hard, but you don't want it to be liquid either.

Just look at the inside of these tasty babies.  Oh so scrumptiously moreish!

Crisp on the outsides  . . .  flaky on the insides  . . .  sweetly filled . . .

I think I created a very tasty monster . . .

Todd scarfed down two of these all on his own.  I meant only to have a bit of one . . .  but  . . .

You know how it goes.  I kept going back for little nibbles . . .  they were so good  . . . and before I could say Jack Robin one of them had disappeared. 

There is only one left now and I am going to try to entice Todd with it this evening so that the temptation is well out of my way. 

Yield: 8

Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants

Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants

Its amazing what deliciousness you can come up with a few stale croissants and some leftover Christmas cookies. Stale croissants are the best kind to use for these quick, easy and delicious breakfast or teatime treats!


For the Cookie Butter filling:
  • 100g Swedish pepparkakor cookie crumbs (3/4 cup)
  • 85ml of water (1/3 cup, plus 1 TBS)
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 TBS golden syrup (if you can't get that use corn syrup)
  • 85g coconut oil (1/2 cup)
You will also need:
  • 8 stale regular sized croissants
  • 4 TBS melted butter
  • 4 TBS cinnamon sugar
  • 1 TBS cookie crumbs as above
To finish:
  • 60g icing sugar (1/2 cup)
  • milk to thin
  • additional crumbs as desired


How to cook Swedish Pepparkakor Cookie Butter Croissants

  1. You may not need all of the cookie butter, depending on how rich a filling you want for your croissants. I used it all, but I am greedy Gus.
  2. Measure the cookie crumbs into a saucepan along with the water, cinnamon and golden syrup. Heat over low heat stirring constantly, until the crumbs have dissolved and you have a smooth lump-free mixture. Pour and scrap into a tall beaker. Let cool. Add the coconut oil. Blitz with an immersion/stick blender until smooth. You can store this in a jar in the refrigerator, until you are ready to use it.
  3. When you are ready to make your croissants, preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F, gas mark 5.  Line a baking tray with buttered foil.
  4. Using a serrated knife, and cutting from the rounded outer edge, cut them in half almost all the way, leaving a hinge on one side. Spread each inside generously with some of the cookie butter. Close. Place onto the buttered baking sheet. Brush each croissant generously with the melted butter. Mix together the cinnamon sugar and the cookie crumbs. Sprinkle them evenly over the butter brushed croissants. Bake in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes, until golden brown and crisp. Remove and set aside to cool for a few minutes.
  5. Whisk together the icing sugar and just enough milk to make a thin drizzle icing. Flick this decoratively over top of each croissant and sprinkle with a few cookie crumbs to decorate. Serve warm.

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I apologise about the mishmash of photographs here today.  I was so excited about this recipe and I had taken some beautiful photos.  I thought I had uploaded them, I had computer problems.  I deleted them from the camera because I always do that right after I upload them.  When I went to edit them, they were not there.  And of course I had deleted them.  GRRRRR!!!  I then took a few more while I still had the light of the leftover ones . . .  but I decided to try to see if I could find the other ones somewhere on the computer.  I finally found them in my Google Drive, but it took me forever  to download them one at a time, hence the hash-up. In any case, I hope you will want to try these. You won't be sorry! You hips might be annoyed with you however.

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